Claims Follow Up & Denial Management

Timely Follow Up
A critical step in the billing process is resubmitting any claims that are not received by the insurance company or need to be corrected and resubmitted. All submissions are confirmed with the insurance company within 10 days to prevent any denials for untimely filing. Claims automatically pop up in user buckets if they are not paid within allowable timeframes.

No Claim Is Left Behind
If claims are not paid during a specified time period, we follow up with the carrier regarding the unpaid claim. All calls are logged. Based upon the information gathered, we will take necessary action on the unpaid claim to correct and resubmit it. This may include re-billing, re-coding, or sending appeal letters.

Denial Management Increases Revenue
Our denial analysis tools allow us to identify most common denials and their causes. We then work with our clients to develop an action plan and make sure corrective measures are taken to reduce those denials and improve revenue recovery in the future.